Tuesday 29 June 2010

Nooooo Portugal are out :O

I mean what the fuck, i can't say anything, My team portugal just got eliminated. Since 2002 i have been supporting Portugal. Today we got little bit unlucky plus Spanish defender Joan Capdevilla gave us great acting as a result Ricardo Costa got red card for doing nothing :((((

Today's referee was Argentine referee Baldassi. Baldassi you motherfucker fuck you and go to hell. Spanish players keep fouling Ronaldo and the referee didn't do anything. We played well today defended well but .....
Also Carlos Queiroz you must resign from Portugal's manager. I mean we did so well last time as soon as Queiroz took control over Portugal we sucked. We almost qualified from qualification and he didn't pick good players as well and his tactics was crap. Man i never imagined that this would happen shit. I'm really frustrated now. I never became this serious during any other football matches. But when it comes to Portugal's match i became so serious and excited.
Anyways we will get strong sooner or later. Spanish players played well no doubt about it. But i'm really disappointed this world cup's referees.
Well i have totally lost interest of watching this World Cup.
ayayayayaya what's going on, My laptop is fucked, i got sick, everything around me is fucked i dunno why????? But I'll get over it and get strong.
Portugal keep your heads up, i will see you in 2014 at Brazil.
Fuck you Bardassi fuck you Capdevilla, fuck you Queiroz that's what i'm going to say